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Monday, August 31, 2009

LCL Sept. 3 preview

Here's what we're frantically working on this week for the Leader:
FALL SPORTS!! are starting throughout the valley. Sports guru Heidi and her pal Sasha were standing on sidelines all weekend getting the first glimpses of this year's teams. (I was in charge of sports at this time last year, and have to say am missing it right about now.)
We had some good football this week, and the volleyball teams are starting to have home games next week.
We'll have a lot of 'Rehberg' in this week's paper - the Congressman was in Polson on Thursday, discussing health care reform at St. Joe's and tribal health issues with tribal respresentatives.
As we all know, later Thursday night the congressman and two of his staffers (who were with him here all day) were hurt in a boating accident. We'll have the latest on that as well as the health care reform story.
Aimee's got some good news for South Creek Bridge area residents. And the results of the rotary chili cook off.
Sasha has a photo story of some Ronan firs-graders first day at school.
And much more. Should be a good one to kick off September.

School begins across valley

It is a beautiful day for the beginning of the new school year - and after Ronan and Charlo started the grind last Thursday, the remaining school opened today.
Polson begins the year with a new superintendent, as well as a 'new' principal and vice principal.
Bill Appleton is taking over as interim principal, coming from the administration building where he was the curriculum director.
Sounds like he's taking a unique approach for the first day of school. Humorous speaker Craig Zablocki has been brought in to speak to the entire school and get things started.
Also, superintendent David Whitesell has named High School Social Studies teacher Pat Danley as teach of the year.

It was fun talking in the newsroom about our first days of school. I think the one I remember the most is going into first grade. I managed not to cry as my dad waved goodbye, but I wanted to.
My big brother was just up the hall in third grade, he was at least one guy I knew at recess. Funny to think that I couldn't even read back then.
I guess this means too, it's almost September, then that means it's almost fall.
I'm rooting for a warm fall.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Rehberg boating accident

Alex Strickland, the editor of the Bigofork Eagle, was one of the first to get photos of Rehberg's accident.
He said the park was absolutely closed , with FWP deputies outside the gates preventing anyone from entering.

Rehberg injured on Flathead

It sounds like the Congressman is fine,but more than a little shaken up -

"Last night Congressman Rehberg and two members of his staff were passengers in a boat that was involved in an accident on Flathead Lake near Bigfork. Denny is in stable condition and is doing well. His thoughts and prayers are with everyone involved. We will continue to provide information as it becomes available."
-Courtesy of Jed Link

Thursday, August 27, 2009

South Creek bridge to stay open

Here's a great piece of 'breaking news' from reporter Aimee Niles:

(This bridge was scheduled to close on Aug. 30 - but the residents d who use the bridge protested and the closure has been reversed )

The South Creek Valley Bridge will remain open past the scheduled Aug. 30 closure date, Paddy Trusler, chairman of the Lake County Commissioners said.

This morning, county commissioners received a letter from the Montana Department of Transportation advising repair to the bridge.

“The DOT advised that it would be cost effective to repair the bridge and attain the longevity of the bridge while we determine how we’re going to pay for a new bridge,” Trusler said.

Repairs on the bridge should occur in the next 30 days.

“We’re going to squeeze the bridge repair in between two larger projects,” Trusler said.

The repairs will definitely happen before the middle of October, Commissioner Bill Barron said.

Trusler said estimates for the repairs to the bridge are about $20,000. Estimates for a new bridge range from $500,000 to $1.2 million.

The commissioners will be seeking state grants to fund repairs on the bridge.

Rehberg at the tribal health facility

Rehberg first crammed into the existing health building, getting a tour and interrupting some lunches, as director Kevin Howlett walked him through why the new facility is so necessary.
On the political/policy side, the two parties discussed the Indian Health Care Improvement Act in Congress now.
Howlett said it was necessary for Rehberg to begin supporting the bill.
Rehberg acknowledged the merit of portions of the bill, but said he couldn't support other parts.
Politics from the other side, play a large part in some contention with the bill, he said.
It was interesting hearing Howlett's statistics on the number of Indians who use the facility. Nearly 300 prescriptions are filled at the tiny clinic each day.
They need the room, too, to get more done, he said.
Outside, Rehberg stood under the new health building, set to open sometime in March 2010, as Howlett explained the layout.
The funeral procession for MHP Trooper Chris Hoyt made it's way from Linderman toward the cemetery. I hope he rests in peace. We all have been thinking about his family a lot this past week.
Thanks for your service, Trooper Hoyt.

Rehberg in Polson

Montana's lone congressman, Dennis Rehberg, stopped by for a tour and roundtable sessions at St. Joe's hospital this morning.
After a brief tour, he sat down with aroudn nine healthcare professionals and borard members.
He first expressed his displeasure and anxiety about the bills and proposals bcoming through Congress now.
The majority of the healthcare professionals told him they see flaws in the paln., too.
It's scary, they said, to think about the amount of paperwork Medicare creates. already, Dr. Kelly Bagnell said.
That was just one concern raised at the quick meetiing.
Rehberg is also meeting with CSK Tribal Helalth officials. I'm heading to the site of the new tribal health building now to see what comes of that meeting.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Blog launching . . . again

As you've seen in the print edition, we've roped in aaan entire new staaaff, minus me.
As I marke my one-year anniversary at the Leader, I thought it was necessary anto start this blog up again. I am making a committment to use it to bring more news tips and story lines to the readers on a daily basis.
At www.leaderadvertiser.com/blogs, you'll also notice Aimee, Sasha and Heidi all have blogs as well. It's not the traditional, printed word, but there'll be some good stuff tat each site.
As we work all week to bring you the Leader, we have some fun and always have more stories to tell than we can print. I hope you enjoy the noise.